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Emmy Winning Cinematographer Colin Watkinson on the movie he wish he had made

Emmy winning Cinematographer & Director Colin Watkinson is responsible for the hauntingly beautiful scenes in dystopian drama, The Handmaids Tale. He might live in California but he was born in our home city of Liverpool. We sat down to ask him everything we wanted to know about Hollywood, like does everyone in Los Angeles want to be in the movies??

Q. Growing up in the North of England working in the movies wasn’t an obvious career choice, when did you know then you wanted to work in Film?

I wanted to work in film when i saw Star Wars in 1977, skipping school with my Auntie Cal. I was obsessed by Industrial Light and Magic, the VFX shop set up by George Lucas to make those films. Sadly ILM was a long way from Liverpool. After 9 months in London looking at the worlds most boring career I was offered the job as a runner for a VFX house in London. I took it. The shop had it's own studio, i was taken on big film sets, I was hooked.

Q. Liverpool is now one of the most filmed in cities in Europe, but it was a very different place when you moved to London in the mid 80s, Have you ever shot anything in Liverpool and would you like to?

I worked as an AC (Assistant Camera) on a Microsoft job in the mid 1990's, and I'm about to go back to shoot in Liverpool, I'm really excited to see how the city has become a film hub.

Q. You now live in LA with your family, was that a tactical move to be closer to Hollywood?

I like warm weather.

Q. You won an Emmy for your stunning work on The Handmaids Tale, whats next on your career bucket list?

This one is hard, all answers seem shit...

Q. You have recently moved into the role of Director, Tell us which movie you wish you had worked on, and any you would love to see as a remake?

The movie I wish I'd worked on, would be Bladerunner. Made in the 1980's, still used to this day as a template for dystopian sci-fi. It still looks as good today as it did way back then. Many lessons were learnt on that film.

I never think about the films I love needing a remake. And I don't scour older rubbish films looking for remakes.

Q. Finally, you have worked with a lot of very famous people in your career including David Beckham, Beyonce & Paul McCartney, who is your favourite celebrity and why?

Of all the people i've met, the one the made me dumbstruck was not even on a job. My son made me and him go to the LA Galaxy just before training, to get Stevie G (Liverpool Football Legend Steven Gerrard) to sign a shirt and take a picture. I was useless. I think the picture is out of focus. Which is embarrassing as I was a focus puller for many years. Not my finest moment. I also met Pele on a job and he was the most warm, humble guy. And he signed a shirt. Love you Pele.



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