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An Italian Food Love Story with Chef Gabriella Margiotta

Garlic, garlic and more garlic... we talk food love with Chef Gabriella Margiotta

Chef Gabriella Margiotta and her family run Cucina di Vincenzo, an authentic Italian restaurant nestled in a leafy Liverpool suburb. Opened in 2016, Cucina di Vincenzo is a culmination of tradition, family and an overwhelming love and passion for honest Italian food.

We are hooked on Gabriella's online recipe tutorials and we are very excited she agreed to talk food with us…

You're a proud Italian, is Italian food your favourite cuisine, and what is your favourite dish?

Italy runs through my veins, that and a lot of good Olive Oil! I love Italian cooking, my favourite dish would have to be a classic pasta Pomodoro with lashing of Parmesan… more Parmesan than pasta! I also love Thai food, and I adore Indian cooking, I find it so challenging but love the levels of flavour you achieve from using spices in different ways!

What is the one ingredient you can’t live without?

Garlic, Garlic, Garlic and did I mention Garlic??

When you want a quick healthy meal, what is your go-to?

Eggs! If I need a sweet healthy treat I’ll make oat pancakes with extra egg whites for protein, whisk them up so I get super fluffy pancakes! Or I love a soft boiled egg on a salad with a herby vinaigrette! I also love egg lightly fried in nduja for a spicy kick!

In terms of sustainability, we are trying to be less wasteful. Do you have any tips for using up food rather than throwing it in the bin?

Let’s talk herbs …. Use all of the herb stems and stalks ! Don’t waste any!

Empty tins make great plant pots for those little herb plants uou buy in the supermarket!

Any fruit looking a bit battered in the bowl… chop it up into freezer bags and keep it for smoothies!

Empty mayo,jam mustard jars make great containers for homemade dressings and chutneys!

Stale bread…. Breadcrumbs, perfect for meatballs!!!

Any random old veg make a homemade stock and freeze it!

Old coffee grinds are my ultimate body exfoliate!

Buy all your veg loose instead of pre packed! Chances are those bobbly ugly misshaped veggies and fruits are always bigger and have more flavour!

Last but not least, now restrictions are lifting and travel is allowed, what is your ultimate food heaven destination?

Anywhere in Italy! May the sun be shining … the roads cobbled and the wine chilled, down a romantic side street with a plate of fresh seafood and mountains of pasta shining with the best olive oil and I’ll be happy!

All of these delicious looking food pictures are from Gabriella's Instagram Page. Follow the link to watch her tutorials. If you want to try her cooking for yourself, click the link for Vincenzos.

We hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as we did!

Jo & Rachel


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